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Sleep issues

Sleep issues

Bro, if you were open-minded enough to check out the app you'd see that it has videos in the app that show you the exact motions and form. The app is literally meant for beginners that don't know what they are doing, it provides you with a super simple workout plan that can be done in as little as 45 minutes a day and every single workout in the routine has a video you can watch for form. It's the closest thing you're going to get to someone holding your hand the whole time you're in the gym.

Quit being a victim, you're in charge of your own destiny. All that we can do is offer advice, it's up to you to act on it, and if you want to be a grumpy fuck about it, we're going to be less inclined to help you out.

Download the app, see what the routine is and before you even go to the gym, study the videos -- because you're likely to have shitty cell reception at the gym and won't be able to watch them there. Study before you go, it'll take less than 10mins. The plan is only two alternating routines, so there are only 10 or so workouts to learn the proper form of.

And I know that one of the most common problems with beginners is feeling embarrassed about having to start out with small weights, you might see a girl lifting heavier than you. Don't fucking worry about it, everyone at the gym is so self-absorbed that they don't give a fuck about what you're doing, and keep in mind a lot of people there are often rehabilitating injuries. I've seen monstrous mountain men maxing out at bench pressing 75lbs and figured they must be recovering from an injury. No one cares.

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