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Sleep issues

Sleep issues

Around a year or so ago if I got over 8 hours of sleep i would wake up in a foul mood which would take half the day to quit, I used to experience a lot of nightmares also.

I'd only remember them if I woke up half way through and went back to sleep though.

I've read online that it can be caused by "oversleeping" but don't hold me to that.

Today I rarely (1 in 14 days) wake up in a foul mood or experience nightmares.

I've changed a number of things in my lifestyle which might help you in some way.

The first was buying a light-box, credit due to The Lizard of Oz's guide to better sleep. (thread-46677.html)

The other things were taking 2 pills of Zinc + Ashwagandha before sleep coupled with 30 minutes of cardio in the morning and regular weight training.

Like you I've never really been fond of the gym so I picked up a cheap exercise bike on Amazon and a bench / squat rack so I could workout at home.

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