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Sleep issues

Sleep issues

I have a fairly regular sleep schedule, so that's not it.

As far as being productive, I spend most of my time at work twiddling my thumbs. I haven't had a job where I was actually engaged in many years, it's just not how American business works these days. I'm trapped being a keyboard monkey with no hope of any promotions and no opportunity to actually solve problems. After years of that, I have very little drive left, I am just completely burned out.

Working out would be a good thing, but the last time I found something I enjoyed and could stick with, a bunch of insane, hysterical, lying cunts fabricated a group psychodrama to get rid of me. I've tried a regular gym, but between not knowing what I'm doing and totally useless trainers, I've given up. Looked into Crossfit and discovered that it's a franchise where there is a complete lack of consistency between locations and it's bloody expensive, which explains why there are so many crappy franchisees.

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