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Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

I disagree.

Excellent. Let's debate!

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Things are slowly changing at the UofT.

The administration will support the SJW's. This is why Cerno called his new movie "Silenced: Our War on Free Speech". Because the censorship is driven from the grassroots level by the SJW's. The administration will simply swim with the current. This has not changed since I was in university except that it has worsened. Things are not getting better.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Dr Peterson is not backing down with politeness. He sticks to logic.

Logic = dialectic = politeness. Rhetoric, in other words going full shitlord and triggering the little darlings is what is called for here. Dialectic < rhetoric in this situation because SJW's are creatures of emotion, not logic. The only effective tactical communication one can use on them is rhetoric. Morpheus and Neo have to RETURN to the Matrix in order to rescue future red-pill recruits. Savvy?

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

His support is also growing.

Maybe among red-pilled people like us. But where it counts, i.e. in the university administration, he has no friends. He will get knifed like Julius Caesar on the Ides of March just like what the GOPe is currently doing to Trump after smiling at him and telling him they were his friends.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

He is doing a counter rally for this Tues - for Free Speech and against Political Correctness and the face book page already has 150 planning to attend. That is bigger than the rally against him.

That's excellent. I hope he switches gears from dialectic to rhetoric. If he sends up a flag proving he is ready to FIGHT, he might win some allies. I know I myself would be one. Unless and until he shows he is ready to take this seriously though, he is just another victim.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Also I noticed that the UofT campus now has a high Chinese population. I was seeing almost out of 10 -- about 5 - 6 are Chinese. Demographics alone will end the corrupt element of the Leftist regime in the future.

The Chinese community has long been a breath of right-wing fresh air in libtarded Toronto. But this community is out-matched and too shy, just like Dr. Peterson.

The time for half-measures is over.

No more nice.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

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