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Career Crossroads

Career Crossroads

I do not recommend getting a 2nd Bachelors for a theater degree.

I think college is not a good way to learn how to act, much less perform stand up. If you're in college and you want to take them as electives then that's fine, but going to do an entire degree in it, is not useful. It will not really make you more employable. I have a minor in film and briefly majored in theater in community college, and know many actors - university is not a good place for honing your craft in regards to acting.

You should take the 30 hour gig. Having free time during the work week will be a huge deal in terms of getting work done for your entertainment career.

Supporting yourself while hustling and working on your craft is the best way to go, 100%. I have a friend who got a bachelors degree in an employable major, and he got a really great job - but he decided to go into acting while working on his job. He demanded a half day so he could have time to pursue acting, and 2 years later, he is actually going places and making money in acting, because he hustles (it's really the only thing that separates people in the acting world other than top tier connections).

Also, you still have a few months left of Uni, so I would do some work in acting/stand up before the semester ends, you'll be surprised on how much you can get done in 3 months.

For acting I recommend this (not sure if you want to do theater or screen acting, I'll assume screen acting for now)

Get your feet wet, go on a site like and just apply to a butt load of acting gigs, even ones that don't 100% fit your description. Even with zero experience and a crap picture, you will get call backs, I did this myself personally. Most of these will be student films, and a few post graduate directors who are trying to break in. The sell for this is ideally to get a film wheel to show that to bigger productions, but to be honest, at this level it's a waste. You should do a bunch of student films/low budget productions for experience and connections - that's the utility of it really.

The reason why expecting film wheels from these amateur directors is pointless is not because the quality will be bad, but because it will take forever for them to get back to you with.

Anyway, after you get experience and connections, simply write your own screen play and make a short film that is literally about you acting, aka make a show case for yourself. This is the most efficient way to make a good film wheel quickly. Once you have this, do the same thing you were doing before, just with better productions (since now you have tangible experience and something to show people). Acting is a lot like owning your own business, a lot of your success comes from pure hustle, literally just keep throwing yourself out there. I'm assuming you're in LA, NY or even London if you're Anglosphere, the other cities are too crappy to make great connections without dumb luck.

Ideally, you should get a technical skill or go into production since that gives you the best connections and makes you employable to bigger studios as well(there is no money in pure acting, you really have to network or laterally promote yourself into a good acting gig), but that can be for later.

For stand up, it is a bit more straight forward. Go perfect your craft at open mics, get noticed by people, get 5 minute shows and work your way up from there.

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