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Whey Protein Denaturing

Whey Protein Denaturing

I agree with AboveAverageJoe here, don't bother with protein shakes. Eat real meat. I'm not going to name drop here but when I lived in LA, I was friends with a B-list actor that had to bulk up, then cut down to 8% body fat for a role, he worked with one of the most well known and respected celebrity trainers in the business. All his food was made for him and it was just good clean food; lots of chicken, steak, fish, 6 whole eggs a day, lots of healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil, and at least a pound of vegetables a day. He didn't even take a multivitamin, he got everything from food.

The protein shakes are just bullshit, they are expensive, nasty and not nearly as effective as just eating real food.

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