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Whey Protein Denaturing

Whey Protein Denaturing

Quote: (09-29-2016 11:58 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I only drink egg yolks. Mostly because if I cook with the whites, i feel guilty throwing them out.

OP's post:

Genre: Informal
Female = 214
Male = 149
Difference = -65; 41.04%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European

Terrible user name, references eating egg whites to cum, gender guessing says female (or euro).

Verdict: CHICK

Look, just because we disagree politically, doesn't mean I'm female. And I am European, yes. The UK is (just about) part of the EU still.

I don't know why you guys are getting so caught up about a silly little joke?! I was actually trynna post something that I thought would be an interesting discussion.

I'm not really sure what kind of analysis you're using there, but I assume it thinks that taking more care over punctuation, syntax and grammar is a feminine trait. I'm well trained in writing; so that's probably it. Which is not to say I don't make mistakes all the time!

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