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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-22-2016 10:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

You seem to be the type of poster who comes on here from out of no where and asks all of these bizarre questions about far flung places and then never actually reports on them, hopefully you prove me wrong because I would actually like to see some info posted about these jungle places (Leticia, Coco, etc). I have my doubts though because you seem to be ignoring all of the advice and wisdom of posters on here, for example, in your above post you admit that you have weak game but also tell us that you're going to spend lots of time in Medellin and focus on gaming women there. You also insist on going to Venezuela and crossing at Cucuta after Vancity, a guy who has recently spent a lot of time over there tells you not to.

Nailed it. I started to get the feeling that this guy is just getting off on the attention of people answering his questions. Telling us about his dangerous plan to travel into Venezuela was also just another attention seeker.

Anyways... Colombia.

I have spent considerable time living in a lot of cities all over South America. In my opinion nothing tops Colombia in terms of open, Beautiful women, ease of inexpensive travel and diversity of the destinations. I can be in a cold metropolitan city and an hour later in the beautiful Caribbean. Another quick flight and Im in the land of eternal spring. Colombia has something for everyone. All styles of women. All styles of food. All styles of climate.
Why go anywhere else?

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