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Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:01 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

The police chief is a 23 year veteran of the same force. The DA is an elected Republican. You seriously think they are taking orders from Soros?

You're implying things that I never said.

If Soros funds riots, that doesn't mean he's giving orders to the police.

And we know that the police have been given stand down orders in many of these situations. This is a fact, not a conspiracy.


Nah, I go with Hanlon's Razor on this one: never attribute to malice or conspiracy that can be explained by stupidity.

This would mean that multiple police forces across multiple states suddenly got very stupid within the past year or two.

We just had riots in Milwaukee a month ago, and there were riots in Baton Rouge and St. Paul a month before that.

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