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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 06:30 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 06:25 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 08:45 AM)MegaCreep Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 07:37 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 05:18 AM)MegaCreep Wrote:  

Very easy to bang.

I think I will also tell you what I was told in Peru. They told me that the women were very something like promisuous or something. They are like players. They can go man to man and things like that. And that it was normal for guys to have a girlfriend in different cities. Promiscuity(or girls not sticking to one)/having multiple partners I was told is the norm across Peru. So from what I am told, the women are nowhere near being conservative or traditional. Some said in the Philippines how girls have multiple boyfriends, sleep with forein men while having a bf pinoy and crazy things like that. Seems Peru has similar things going on.
I was told this while in a small city in the Amazon/Amazon area. I am ready to verify more stuff on Peru when Im there soon!

Peru has a culture of lies. This includes lies about men and women, their multiple girlfriends and achievements etc. This is a country that has a total of 4 Olympic Games medals in all of history, they are all dwarfs, and yet they would still argue with you about how good they are at sport in general. You get the picture. Men generally have a massive inferiority complex and they rightly suspect that their girlfriends would cheat on them with a gringo.

Women in Peru in general are less promiscuous than a New Yorker or an Eastern European chick. The selva girls are more promiscuous.

It seems like even though Colombia has a bigger population, they don't have even as much selva cities as Peru. It has the Amazon, but seems they built no real cities there. I would love to experience getting with Selva girls. I want to try to maybe daygame in Iquitos. I don't like night life/game so will try to get what I want from the daylight hours. I think it is also the only place I won't just depend on online game. In Colombia I won't run out of online prospects for a million years.

I am quite satisfied with getting notches racked up even with average girls. I have a feeling Colombia could be even better than Peru. The girls there also tell me how they want to learn English.

My life is about to change as I go from being locked up in 1 country all the time (Philippines) to getting used to changing countries regularly. It will be the first time in my life that I will be in continual changing of countries. Its an amazing feeling knowing that such major change in lifestyle and environment is upon me!

What is this obsession with girls from the jungle? In what way are they better than other girls or even relevant? Also, there are definitely exceptions to this, but the girls who speak English, or are actively trying to learn English, are generally not the girls who you want.

Actually they are not "better" in any way. Just something different I want to try. I actually don't want to spend too much time on that anyways. I am very into online game and there is less of it there. I will probably only try going there for a little while and then go back to Lima and go north through Ecuador,Colombia so I don't want to put much time for selva. MegaCreep said how they are better in bed and have nicer bodies than the others, so if there is something to say that they are better about, then I guess it is that. Apart from that, they are just something different for me to try for a little while and then leave the selva and settle back into my more permanent location of the cool dry coastal and mountain areas where you have the darker andean type girls.

I can say with certainty that I am going to put a lot more time into 2nd 3rd tier cities in Colombia and coastal Peru than any amount of time I will give to the selva. The first 2 have lots of online prospects and the climate is better. Climate is another thing that will make me keep time in selva locations short actually.

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