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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Pucallpa and Yurimaguas should be worth the try though.

About crossing, this makes Philippines look like a 1st world country. Closing a border with 2 cities on each side is outrageous. This is not Iraq, but they are behaving like it is!

It is like closing the border of Canada and USA so that people from Buffalo can't go to Niagara falls in Canada! It takes a very fucked up country to do something like that! What's wrong with Venezuela, will they ever smarten up!! And in the Philippines we take the wide selection of very well stocked goods for granted. Everything you want and need is stocked up in a reliable manner. Add on the retarded border thing they do and you got the worlds most pathetic country!

Worst comes to worst, I will pick Arauca to cross. What a coincidence because that is the place where I used to live for 2 1/2 months!

I heard that people have been forced to do shopping in Cucuta due to lack of supplies so the border has been opened. So I doubt I will be be stuck on a closed border.
Also I withdrew my money from the ATM without any issues in Philippines and Thailand and got charged 200 pesos/baht for the withdrawel and that was all. Should not be a problem elsewhere. I am used to withdrawing abroad.

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