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A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012


11. Staying in the game will eventually take a mental toll on you.

- I'm not saying this is good, nor bad, but I'm just stating a fact, especially for any guys that are just getting into this. You become colder, you care less about anyone's feelings (not just women), and you may become unable to develop deep, "meaningful" relationships with anyone. Even if you got into game to meet "the one" if you go through enough women to get to her, you'll never see her like you would have had you met her at the start. Not that that's a bad thing, because in all your relationships you'll always have the upper hand. My brother warned me about this years ago, and now I see what he meant. This is the price you will eventually pay, it is a fair trade-off in my opinion though.

yea, I suppose 'staying in the game' will mess with your head. That's when it's time to 'take a break'. Your head is telling you "hey man, enough, you're hurting us"...then you take a break for a while, and get back to relearning how to attach to someone. I doubt very highly you'll be unable to develop meaningful relationships with anyone again. I've met so many ex players who have settled down. One was tough as nails but still went bonkers when his wife left him...that tells you the attachment chemicals were released and he was suffering their withdrawal. Another dude was old and just got bored and chose someone to spend his time with. Same with another guy.

If you spend day in and out in the same house with someone, you are likely going to get attached.

I've been in some really dark places. I thought I'd never be capable of seeing anything the same again. I was wrong. Took a few years, but I recovered. Also, had a friend who was a cop, saw everyone as potential garbage. He quit the force and his outlook changed completely.

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