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Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-05-2012 01:01 AM)Rurik Wrote:  

rio nomad, if you would, what was your strategy like as far as the initial messaging and follow through?

I would always put something funny in the subject line, but in caveman English. Generally I would say "Your hair so suay, like mine. [Image: tongue.gif]" I shave my head so it was playful, and partly a neg. Suay means beautiful in Thai. And like I said, Thai bitches love emoticons lol.

Then in my subject I would just have a basic template about me being from California (DHV) and going on a 4 month Holiday to Thailand. Some girls I would tell I was there to wrestle, because I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. However, one Thai girl told me she thought I did WWF type of wrestling lol, so I stopped using that.

I would usually also make a joke about needing a tour guide so I didn't get ran over by Tuk Tuk drivers in Bangkok.

Then if they respond give them your MSN, and also ask for theirs. Try to get them over to MSN to chat asap because Thai girls will spend HOURS on MSN, and not as much time on a dating site.

I would always be very heavy on the flirting. Most Thai girls liked this, a few didn't. You want that though so you can weed out the traditional girls.

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