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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

Home after a long stretch away, chilled with my new neighbors for the first time outside a brief meeting. About my age, guy is a blue collar former powerlifting champ, several kids, married to a decent looking girl, Sri Lankan if I had to guess. Was already drinking with his in laws when I showed up, his house, then my house, then back to his talking lifting, cars, booze and so on. Goes to the bathroom, comes out and lays on the couch, "Honey,I need a bucket" "Are you serious?" As she runs and gets one...too late, pukes on the couch, carpet. Kids - "What's wrong with daddy?" "Daddy doesn't feel so good, OK, let's go to bed now...Looks like you're going to be buying that new floor sooner than you thought."

I like them already.

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