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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Anyone know how refunds work? If I book a flight to US and refund it within the 24 hour cancellation period, do I end up with less money or do they deposit the same amount that was charged? When I got my 'full refund' from EVA air, the amount that got returned was less than what was charged!

And how about holds? If I use the hold payment option for AA which does not charge for 24 hours, does the flight reservation present itself as a viable onward ticket? and will be a confirmed flight that won't be rejected when I board my flight to Colombia?

I think I almost finalized my official plan. I found out 1 way tickets cost so darn cheap so I will get one to Colombia or Peru in November before holiday prices kick in. My new estimated date of arrival to latam will be Nov 21. I will try out Peru first since it is cheap but think I will go overland to Colombia not too long after. I have a feeling Colombia is better than Peru. I used to think Peru was much better. They said white god factor was much more important and it was more "Philippines like" But maybe Colombia is less conservative so I will try both within the first few months and see which one fits me better and I choose to stay in most. Both have the weather I like. Ecuador too. I will try to brave the terrible situation in Venezuela and meet the women there that are MUCH more anxious to meet foreigners than even in the Philippines!

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