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Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Here are a few tips I learned during my 4 months in Thailand for pipelining.

1. Be careful when using the word "fun". Some girls will think this translates to sex. I had something a long the lines of "looking for a fun girl" in my profile and may have cost me quite a few responses. Had one girl freak out on MSN and block me when I mentioned something about her being fun, or liking to have fun.

2. Use lots of emoticons. Thai bitches love these things.

3. 55555 translates to "hahahah" in Thai internet talk. It is because the Thai word for 5 is "Ha". So when they type 55555, it would sound like them saying "Hahaha" in real life.

4. A Thai girl might being 2 or 3 friends with her and not tell you. I had one girl come pick me up in her car to go grab a drink and as soon as I get to her car I see three other Thai girls in the back seat. I guess this is common, but only happened to me one time.

5. You will be expected to pay for her drinks, and her friends. When the girl mentioned above came to pick me up I didn't know about this and didn't pay for their drinks. I was friends with the Thai bartender and he informed me of this after they left. He told me to just text her and let her know that I didn't know. Was no big deal and I ended up banging her quite a few times. She had a super round and firm ass for a Thai girl, but the more I fucked her the stranger her face started to look to me so I had to cut her off lol.

Not paying for their drinks is losing face in Thai culture and you are basically seen as a loser, from what I understand. This is why it can be difficult to approach a mixed set of Thais, because the oldest man of the group is expected to pay for everyone. Otherwise he is seen as a loser because he is the oldest, but not successful. Because of this, no girls in the group would want to flirt with a foreigner (farang) because it would be disrespectful towards the head of the table. Your best bet is to try and befriend him if possible.

Let me know if you all have any other questions I may be able to help with.

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