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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

Being hopped up on post-surgery painkiller narcotics is pretty close to being drunk, right? So I can post here.

I always wanted to post in the drunk lounge, except I never get drunk. I dunno why, it's not like I've got some crazy teetotalling habit going on, I just have never been drunk in my life. And now I can!

My job fucking rocks, except when it sucks. Part of the downside to being an independent contractor is that you don't get days off. Shit is due when it's due and the client doesn't give a fuck about your problems. So now I have a bunch of work I have to do even though the room's spinning and I'm pretty sure I'm unable to type a complete sentence. WE'LL SEE HOW THIS GOES.

Back when I taught for Reaxxion, though, Roosh told me the one hundred percent sure best way to make sure that your writing work is 100% clean when you turn it in. You go through and read what you've written aloud. Don't silently mouth it to yourself, literaly read every single word aloud like you were in 6th grade English class and that teacher with the huge rack was calling on you. When you read it aloud, word by word, you will instantly see all the grammar errors you made and all the ways you could phrase your shit better.

If you do this, you will catch 99% of al the grammar errors in your shit, no matter how tired or sleepy you are, and even if you're fairly sure that that in fact you might actually not be Samuelr Roberts at all, but some other dude who just happens to be sitting in his chair. I made some okay cash writing for Reaxxion, 'cause Roosh was super-cool about paying people, but that one trick was the real prize for me. And now I'm passing it all on to you guys, because you are all cool guys. You can use this for presentations, or like, school reports, or whatever. Writing books.

On another note, you know who has the funniest fucking nickname on the forum? "EveryTenGivesMeATen". That name cracks me the fuckup. I just picture this endlessly long line of beautiful woman, each of whom come up to him and hand him a ten dollar bill. Then they walk away, and the next girl comes up and hands him another ten dollar bill.


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