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Extreme AA

Extreme AA

3 things you have to keep in mind.

1. Only way to get consistently laid is to approach, plain and simp. If you don't approach you'll not only not get laid now, but you also you won't improve your game and won't correct your game mistakes so you're technically shooting yourself in the foot for the future. You have to embrace the rejection and you have to make mistakes and learn from them. The more you approach, the more quickly you'll identify eliminate those mistakes (and bang girls on the way) and the more quickly you'll develop better game, which will let you get more girls/better quality girls in the future. If you spend time reading game books/material, you learn how to get girls in the future at the expense of having sex with girls right now, and you'll still have to overcome you're A.A in the future. If you approach now, you get to have sex with girls right now and from that experience learn how to snag more/better girls in the future. Even if you're not confident in your game, by statistical laws if you approach enough you'll get laid. Read Roosh's post on "Sex is Mathematics"

2. So what if the girl rejects you? Her loss, her lack of judgement, she missed out on a fun night and great sex. You learn from your mistake, you hone your game, and you approach another girl.

3. Stop giving a shit about if other people see you fail/get rejected. Imagine they already hate you, that they're unhappy and want you to be unhappy and not getting ass, and that this approach is like saying "I don't give a fuck if you like me I'm getting my dick wet" to them.

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