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Extreme AA

Extreme AA

Let me begin by stating that I have read a lot of game, especially from this site and Roissy's. I am aware or at least know of game and its workings in theory. But it is just that, theory. I have almost no application of game in my life, save for body language/posture adjustments (like having a wide stance, holding drinks by the waist, speaking slowly, etc).

It stays theory for me because I have a problem with approaching girls. A girl can give me IOI's, but I STILL won't approach. I often psyche myself out, my head plays through thousands of scenarios in which I fail or get rejected horribly. I've never had self-confidence growing up, which I'd like to attribute the problem to.

When a girl does talk to me, or approach me first, even the game that I have "learned" disappears from my brain. Thus, I make mistakes, messing up in the process. It is only after the conversation that I am able to remember how I messed up (shit tests, etc). Quite frankly, the only rule I haven't broken yet is the fact to never buy her a drink.

I come here after a NYE party in which I attended. A few girls gave me smiles and IOI's, but I didn't approach. Even a guy noticed, and he tried to convince me to approach, but I still didn't. In the back of my head, I know that I will probably never see these girls again, but that wasn't the main thought when I stood there, utterly psyched out.

For the record, I have only been 21 for less than 2 months. I also look young, as one of the bouncers thought my ID was a fake as well.

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