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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

If you look at my posts on HIV and also Hepatitis C I mentioned that many doctors consider those diseases unproven.

Ergo - I made the prediction to a friend some 1.5 years ago that THEY WILL FIND A "CURE" for both of those diseases. And voila - the first results of some major studies have been announced.

Hepatitis C has been cured with almost 100% certainty in a new treatment.

They will do the same with AIDS in the future. But meanwhile they will keep up the racket, since it serves them well when millions of mostly blacks take some light chemotherapy meds that wreck their health and decrease population growth. So a pseudo-cure for AIDS will probably take much much longer. Hepatitis C was never big biz and never had a big depopulation effect, so it's as good as finished.

And before anyone considers me again a cook - look at my posts before - my opinions are backed by Nobel Price laureates in medicine and other MDs - I did not suck it out of thin air or heard it from a hobo on the street. There is no end to which media, academia and government will not lie if it serves their agenda.

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