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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

I was going to start a new thread but found that there was already a thread on HIV.

So I began seeing this chick here and there for 2 weeks

I had sex with her once.

We clicked well so and then she finally tell me that she has HIV and says sorry for hiding it from me.

At first I thought she was shit testing or just joking around or had bipolar and got mad about me rescheduling a meet up.

But turns out she is for real, she said she was sorry.

She told me this a week after I has sex with her unprotected. Yes I know it was dumb that has sex with her unprotected I regret it and I should have been more responsible rather than letting my horniness get the best of me, but what is done is done.

I was so furious that I cut off all contact with her and the doctor told me that I have to wait 6 weeks to get the blood test and then a follow up one 3 months later. doctor I could have a slim chance since I am circumcised, but still sweating bullets here.

What is my likely hood of HIV ?

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