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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Lots of people dress up in Bogota when they go out. The cool weather allows for more layers as well.....If you hit Zona Rosa or Parque 93 lots of guys will be in sports-coats and blazers....especially if you focus on the after work happy hour martini lounges or more upscale hotel bars and dining options.

If your hitting Chapinero or the university bars then it's more casual and if your doing centro anything goes....

Don't buy into the fear mongering on here....I am a middle aged man lived here for 5 years....I wears suits, along with casual attire.....I have hit all parts of the city at all hours.....just be smart, use tappsi for taxis after dark when possible, walk with purpose, don't stumble around hammered and don't be an asshole that brings unwanted attention....bad things can happen anytime and anyplace....

If your into big messy cities with lots of layers and tons of action then Bogota is your just takes awhile to figure out....good luck!

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