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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Hi guys,
I just finished reading the entire thread.

I am thinking about traveling to S. America, probably for a one shot, one and done kind of a thing before I go to Asia, where I love it the best (so far)

I have around 3 months - September to Early December. I don't speak Spanish, my game is decent, but not great. I am a white male from the U.S., around 40 yr. looking pretty good, but not great looks.

I did some research, and I came up with Lima, Bogota, D.R., and (maybe Rio - Seems like a place worth checking out at least once?)

Or, what I might do, is just fly to Bogota, and wing it. I feel like Columbia and Brazil would be must stops for any aspiring international playboy[Image: smile.gif]

Another possibility would be to go to Bogota and take some Spanish class in the Zona Rosa area. And possibly I can stay in Columbia 3 months if I like it, and then hit Rio for just 2 weeks before I fly out to the Philippines, or vice versa.

Any recommendations?


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