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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Being successful in school requires a bit of book smarts and manipulation. Women are great at regurgitating what they've read or been told. Think about it for a second. Have you ever dated or gamed a girl, talked about politics or some other subject for a period of time, then heard her either minutes/hours/days/weeks later discuss that same subject using the exact language you used, making her sound like she knows more than she really does? Females can take knowledge and then use it to manipulate others into believing they are smarter than they are.

I acquired these skills in late high school/early college and developed them through grad school. I was a very successful student even though I partied at least 3 nights a week (although I was smart enough not to do it on the day before tests) and barely studied. I drew the ire of my female classmates because manipulating the system required less time from me than it did from them. I could halfway listen to a lecture, remember a couple of key points, get the gist of it, then scan the textbook, once again finding key points and taking note.

My female classmates would take copious notes and read the text twice and three times over. They were massively inefficient (much like they are in the workplace) because they didn't possess the logical capacities to pick out the key parts. They lacked the problem-solving capability to listen to a lecture, hone in on where the professor placed a lot of emphasis, and then find and focus on those same points within the text. That's where I excelled above them.

I applied this method to research papers as well. I could quickly find several peer-reviewed articles or books related to my topic, glance over them, then pick out key parts to quote/paraphrase. I would then mold my arguments based on those quotes, offer some counter arguments, then derive a central thesis that generally stayed in line with that professor's political views (manipulation). If I found statistics that didn't support those views, I ignored them. A 20-page paper took me about 5 hours to write. It took my female classmates about 2-3 weeks and several edits.

I will give the women credit, though. They are very dedicated to maintaining the image that they are super fucking smart, and will put in tons of hours to uphold that image. Plus they get in good with their professors, which positively affects their grades. A professor will be more lenient on a student who appears to try real hard.

As a side note, the only B I received in grad school, thereby fucking up my 4.0 GPA, came from my snarky bitch female professor who was the only one who taught this one required course, so I had no choice. Her graduate assistant was this girl who resented me, especially since we were the only two in our class with 4.0 GPA's at the time. And she was always in that professor's office, and from what I heard from third party sources, was constantly shit-talking me. It is what it is though. I'm successful at what I do now, which has nothing to do with my degree. Funny how that works.

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