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Vancouver Data Sheet

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (08-02-2016 11:48 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Some observations on Van.

First and most importantly thanks to Laner and RustyShackleford for the time and hospitality. Awesome to meet more cool guys from RVF.

Each od these guys owns their destiny and owns Van in their own ways.

So Van is the kins of place that has a lot of money moving through it despite the Army of Canadian Government Beauracrats who, if they understood what Vancouver really was would build a dam and starve the city of commerce. Thankfully their 20k a year University educated brains do not fully comprehend and only go after easy targets their pea brains can grasp. Rich Chinese are buying condos. They are too rich. They are annoying with their tricked out BMWs. Therefore we must take 15 percent. Meanwhile real big business is conducted and the sales of fly swatters is skyrocketing afterall these future government pensioners are like flies.

Van is Kiddie City in some ways also. Lots of kids going out in groups. I would guess you would need membership into one good or several decent fun little groups.

Girls, well its a wide wide range. Sharp Asians, boring Asians, HOT Canadians, trashy fucked up trade-a-massage-for-a-tattoo looking rejects from all over the plains. Tons of immigrant girls that think its odd when someone says hi before ordering a Tim coffee. It must upset their slave rythm to be greeted in a manner that says "I dont care if this takes a second longer. Any human present?". Lefty lefty lefty but every ten you get a spark of think for herselfism.

Its pretty, weather rocks. Approachable, layered. Get your housing straight, after that a little cash goes a long way. There is no unity or common thread. They are all just "there."

With so many asleep, bring your game and you will crush the competition.

Fuck man, that's poetry.

Would you mind sharing more of your thoughts on why the government bureaucrats should build a damn around Vancouver? I have my theories on why one might say that, but given the detail of your post, I'm curious to hear it from the horse's mouth.

I'm the King of Beijing!

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