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As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

1. The idea is stupid as fuck because it flies in the face of why bars exist in the first place. I've worked bars before, and it's the job of the barman to talk patrons up, make them feel comfortable, and create conversations that lead to those people buying more drinks and frequenting that bar. Harassing male patrons is literally the opposite of what bartenders are supposed to do.

2. One of the main (if not the main) reason for bars is to meet people of the opposite sex. Again, this initiative is anathema to that.

3. Why the hell did this woman go to a bar alone if she doesn't want to speak to anyone? If this woman is so fearful of talking to strangers, why go at all? I know girls who never go to bars for exactly this reason: the environment doesn't suit their nature.

4. If a gay dude hits on me at a bar, do I now have the right to request that he be ejected immediately for harassing me? Will bartenders be monitoring conversations between lesbians as closely as between heterosexual couples? If not, what's stopping someone from suing for discrimination?

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