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Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (08-01-2016 08:44 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The best form of government is the kind of democracy described in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," where voting rights are directly ascribed to individual accomplishment and merit to the state.


Interspersed throughout the book are other flashbacks to Rico's History and Moral Philosophy course, which reveal that the rights of a full Citizen (to vote and hold public office) must be earned through voluntary Federal service. Those who do not perform this Service retain the rights of free speech, assembly, etc., but cannot vote or hold public office.

Perhaps I misunderstood, but after reading that my interpretation is as follows:

If you grant the state absolute power in deciding who can vote on issues of the state (assigning "merit")... Then the state will undoubtedly ensure that whomever it grants this power to (the right to vote) will indeed vote for whatever is in the best interest of the state.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

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