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As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

I was wrong

Was out at Churchkey tonight and confirmed this story. "My buddy and I have a bet, there was an article about a girl being snuck out the back of the bar because a guy was hitting on her. I said it was bullshit, he said it was true. What do you know about the story?"
"Oh it's definitely true, I was the one who escorted her out."

[Image: facepalm.png]

No one here will be surprised that it was a chick bartender - not especially attractive, wearing no makeup, two nose piercings, and at least one tattoo on her wrist.

Here's the thing - in this bar the back door is through the kitchen, and the kitchen is right across from the men's room! So she walked her right past where this dude was taking a piss, through the kitchen, down the back stairs into an alley...Fucking stupid. After she told me the story about sneaking her out she said "So wait, did you win or lose the bet?"

"Oh I lost, I thought it had to be bullshit"

She was clearly not a fan of mine after that.

I was talkign to a guy first and then a girl for a while right at the bar - One thing I did notice in this was that when they came around, they would ask, "How's everything going?" and stare at each person in the group. It wasn't a simple "can I get you anything?" They were definitely trying to ascertain the dynamics of each interaction. Whatever, they have a great beer list, I'd go back and piss off the SJWs again.

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