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Vancouver or Montreal for young black male?

Vancouver or Montreal for young black male?

I think the OP needs to provide us a bit more info on what he's looking for in a city. Vancouver has warmer, albeit rainier weather with hot Asian and white chicks. Definitely has that west coast hipster granola thing going on similar to Seattle and Portland but not as bad I think. Physically, the place is gorgeous with mountains and the ocean right there so for an avid biker, I'll bet its heaven. Very few black people but the OP said he's from the prairies so he's most likely used to being in a place with not so many black people. Plus, a lot of guys have said that Van chicks love black guys since they don't see many of them.

Montreal has much better nightlife than Van for sure (although Van has gotten much better in this regard than it was) with later closing times and cheaper places to drink. Hot, friendly women as has been well discussed. The big thing in Montreal is the French issue. Since he has his own gig, he doesn't have to worry about it for work but for social life, it will help immensely. I know when I visit Montreal, which is often because my daughter lives there, the women and people in general really respond nicely when I speak in French to them. OP should definitely be open to learning some French if he's going to live there. Lots of black people living in Mtl. Weather is cold as fuck in the winter but again the OP is from the prairies so he should be used to cold assed weather.

Another nice thing about MTL is the close proximity to NY, Boston and other east coast US and Canadian cities. Mountains not to far away either so great biking there too. I think MTL is cheaper to live in than Van. Rent in particular is stupid cheap in Mtl, way cheaper than Van but the taxes suck ass in Quebec. I'm guessing the taxes in BC aren't all that great either though.

Tough choice, not sure which one I'd pick. Probably Mtl because I love French culture and language. At least he took Toronto off his list.

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