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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (07-31-2016 08:02 PM)joacocanal Wrote:  

wait, wat. Some parts of Chapinero (especially southern Chapinero) is Centro 2.0, totally rundown, full of thrash and travestite hookers. Chapinero (excluding the more upscale/residential areas) is not the place I think of when I talk about clean, tidy Bogota.
I thought Chapinero was the cleanest part of Bogota. I thought I was safe there. And my embassy told me that Chapinero is actually the most dangerous part of Bogota for Americans. Robberies every night.

But hey, it's clean. You may get robbed and dumped out of a cab onto your face with no monetary means to survive in a foreign country, but at least it's clean.

Hell, go see Bogota everyone. You'll love it. It's a real fucking joy. Please, go see Bogota.

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