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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (07-29-2016 01:58 PM)Kapostatus13 Wrote:  

I see alot of concerns regarding safety for gringos in colombia. But how would safety effect a brown guy. Im east indian (punjabi) and ive easily been mistaken for a spanish guy enough times. I do plan on learning spanish to tue best of my ability as well.

I can see white guys with blonde hair standing out like black sheeps. I also realize anybody in Colombis csj be effected by crime. If i take the necessary precautions can I still be somewhat safe?

Anyone that takes necessary precautions should be "somewhat" safe. Even then someone will still try and rip you off or rob you but that's what happens in Latin America regardless of whether you're a local or not.

Simple things like not leaving your drink unattended and staying out of problem areas goes a long way.

Don't use you're phone on the streets, a newer smartphone is a big score for thieves since there is a huge market for used phones and they sell for more than they would in North America.

Keep your bank card/credit card at wherever you are staying. Everything in Colombia is relatively cheap so you shouldn't have to carry too much cash on you anyway, For example if you're going to a half decent club a bottle (750ml) should cost you probably $50-70 CAD. So really only about double the retail cost of what the same bottle would go for in Canada compared to $300+ at any club in Vancouver.

One more tip, IF ANYONE approaches you on the street in English they either want to sell you drugs, beg for money or some other BS like selling you some knock off watches. There are a ton of Colombian guys that spent significant time in the states so there English is pretty good, they have some long ass sob story that goes on and on but it always finishes with them asking for money. You can avoid this by not standing around bus stations or plazas.

Anyway, it's good to see more Sikhs traveling.

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