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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

From the experience I've seen my nephew go through who begins high school this September and his Primary school, the entire setup is suited to coddling boys, endless assignments, homework etc. Activities that stifle play and boy v boy nature is encouraged outside of PE. Football and rugby are still bastions of male vs male competition thankfully and if the school has these on their roster they tend to be popular.

Outside of school these boys get lost in activities such as football and for the most part, computer games.

My nephew realised "girls are stoopid" at 6 years of age. I asked him that in front of others when they said why don't you go and play with the girls. [Image: lol.gif] He still thinks that way.

Its in a boys nature which makes them realise this, not indoctrination. Girls are a different species compared to them and they know it and female marxists hate this. The same way a domestic cat hunts 'because it can' is the same as putting a boy down and telling him to play with girls.

Only way to change their behaviour is through drugs and psychological warfare and I believe this is where the War on Boys comes about.

They even tried to label him as autistic for fucks sake! A boy who wants to be left alone to do his own thing but plays with his fiends and isn't a problem somehow has autism which requires financial aid. What complete and utter bollocks. His mother is a fucktard however but he has my family genes in him so (maybe [Image: lol.gif]) there is hope those genes win out.

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