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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

This is an important topic for the manosphere, the education system in the west today is really enfeminated in most aspects. This video really reminds me about girls would be prioritized by teachers:

In the video they talk about how the system fails to take boys choice for reading as serious over the general inrest of girls. Lack of reading is a mojor reason for the increase of boys lower academic resuslts, but its interesting that an early discrimination might be the reason for that.
I personally remmeber this exact thing very well, when we where in third grade or so, and had to write som essay or story or whatever. All of us guys would write sci-fi stuff about getting caught on a island having to slaugther mutated monkey with your lazer gun to survive lol! While the girls wrote some poem about a day at the beach or the beauty in a flower which where highly favoured by the (female) teachers. Also when we used to group around a book about dinosaures or WWII and look at the pics, learning advanced latin names, evolutionary biology, history and the variouse places where battles where fought, not to mention knowledge about different types of tanks, guns and other mechanics while we where also reading! But that wasnt ok, since we had to read some 'realistic' school novel that the girls loved....

There are some ROK articles about this as well, and some main things should be male teachers for boys (goes hand in hand with gender segregated classes), PE evry day which can also go hand in hand with more games into learning. Basicly aknowledge the biological differences between the sexes.

Back to topic, are girl more dedicated to school? No, except all the great examples that many already posted here and how the system itselfe favoures them, there is also the aspect of females being better at communication and understanding emotions. Basicly being more manipulative. I remember how during ninth grade how our female teacher in social orientation told us guys (rightfully thou) to stop clowning around and get busy when we where just fucking things up, but later on during class some of the girls would sit in the front talking to her about her bf and eurovision [Image: tard.gif] I pointed out that they arnt working either which made her stunned and go: "um.. ok girls back to work" lol! [Image: biggrin.gif] This pattern continued at Uni, where we used to have weekly seminaries to discuss topics and tasks in a examination way where we problematisized things in order for the teacher to see that we actually followed the course and evrybody had to participate. The girls would rarely participate and just sit quiet. After the seminaries there was always one who would stay and talk to the teacher, obviously making excuses. Later on I found out through one guy who was in here group that she didnt feel comfortable participating in discussions since the tone could some times be 'harsh' and this wasnt a good way of examine things, and the special little snowflake got away with it!

In the 'progressive' country of Sweden this shows even more where the scoring in the PISA-test have droped rapidly. Thou immigration plays a role in this, even when you break down the stats and look at schools dominated by ethnic swedes the pattern still continues with decreasing preformance. Meanwhile, boys have a harder time then ever in achiving good grades while girls continues to improve their grades. Weird isnt it?

[Image: pisa-meritvacc88rde.jpg]

the blue, red and grren line represents the PISA-test in reading, math and sience while the purpel line represent the how average grades are set, kind of contradicting and in that purpel line most of the upbringing of it is because of girls, basicly they dont know shit.

Here is another one to show how the swedish grades have gone into an inflation without an increase in actual knowledge

[Image: merivc3a4rde-grundskola.jpg]

This article talks about about how discriminating the education system has becomed for guys, you can use google translate if you dont speak swedish. And MVG is the top score.


The comparison between the statistics on the university entrance exam and grades in elementary school, shows a structural imbalance in which girls are favored in the personal assessments that teachers do. This is also confirmed by statistics published in the Journal of Teachers 2011.

Girls were more likely than boys MVG, in relation to how often they wrote MVG on the core samples. The subject of physics wrote the boys better on the national tests. Yet girls got better grades in the subject when the teachers assessed.
Simplified has thus guys better results on the national university aptitude and testing, as corrected uniform and anonymous, while girls have superiority when the grades are determined by teachers' personal opinions.

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