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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Screw you guys, you reminded me of one of the awakening moments in my life [Image: biggrin.gif]

When I started middle school (I was like 14,15 years old), one girl from my class (was 8/10 HB, now unbangable) asked me whether I had some materials to help her write some presentation or something (yes, I was a nerd, but with strong anarchistic tendencies - but that is for other time, I have crazy stories).

Not only I gave her the material, but I wrote her the ENTIRE FUCKING PRESENTATION!

And what did I get in return?

A handjob?

Blowjob maybe?

Nothing. No-thi-ng

Just one big thank you.

Since that time, "Never Again" was one of my maxims. Unless I pound her pussy first (payment in advance, girls), I will not lift a finger to help a girl (unless she is a LTR or FWB, which has to repay me later). Hate the game, girls, not the player.

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