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How to live the dream and move abroad

How to live the dream and move abroad

@ Linux
Seems like your the only guy on this forum that understands me. Everyday that I spend here in the US I feel the life being sucked out of me. I just want to be free man. Fly into a foreign city with no plans. Just myself, suitcase and my laptop. Just wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure out what I truly wanted in life. See you on the other side brother.

@ Chauncey
You can live on about 1,000$- 1,500$ monthly in alot more countries then you think. Eastern Europe, south east asia, south America. Honestly, I think 1,500$ month your living a decent life. Remember, when we go on vacations we usual spend alot more money. Why? Because we are trying to do alot of things in a smaller amout of time. Also, the longer you spend at a location the more you will find the cheaper places to eat and etc.Everyone I talked to also said the exact same things to me. Family, friends, co workers. How stupid I was and I'm making a huge mistake. And, maybe they are right? Maybe I'll get shanked in the back down in Bogota behind a dumpster. But, at least I tried. When I was in the Philippines in April. I was in a small city called Oslob. Met an Aussie who told me he basically lives on about 800$ a month. Spends his life scuba diving and traveling around to the best spots for diving. Living in different locations around the world. Not sure if it's true or not but, thats what he told me. The only thing holding you back buddy is you.
Write down what you want to do in life. Now, go concur the world. See you whenever.

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