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How to live the dream and move abroad

How to live the dream and move abroad

I was going to wait until after I made my move to write this tread but, wanted to give back to a community that has meant alot to me and helped me along my journey of becoming a better man and helping me see the light.

I will be leaving to start my new life in Oct.- Nov.

First, a little about myself:
Early fourties American with no college education. Spent the last twenty years working in a chocolate factory. Definitely can not complain. Great pay, 401k, pension, really good benefits and awesome work schedule. 7 days on and 7 days off.

After going through a horrible divorce and hitting rock bottom I discovered this forum and haven't looked back since. Took my first trip abroad last Nov to the Philippines and had the time of my life. I remember sitting in I.T park in Cebu with another forum member talking about life and our dreams. Thats when I realized what I truly wanted in life. Freedom, traveling the world and having harems of attractive woman. Learning new cultures and meeting new people.

But how????
I went through every possible method I could think of.

English teacher in Cambodia? Na..I hate kids
Becoming location independent? Interesting...maybe
Knocking on Roosh's door and giving him a sob story and crashing on his couch. If I'm lucky getting to bang all his leftovers. Haha..
Working in a call center in Cebu for 18k (php) a month and living off my savings. Na..I'd just get fired for banging all the girls and never answering the phone.

So, after awhile I started to get discouraged and to much negativity started weighing on me. Took another vacation to the Philippines and while laying on the beach I realized I needed to change my thinking and redirect my thought process. No more negativity. Concentrate on the positive things I have going for me.

No dept
30k in savings
A fire inside me for a better life

One day while reading the paper, I happened to look at apartment buildings for sale in a smaller city near me. Dirt cheap. The follow day I sent out to investigate. Realized they were in the worst part of the city. Called the owner and chatted with him and viewed the apartment for sale. What a shit hole. But, he informed me that he was renting it out for 825$ monthly. After chatting with neighbors in the area they confirmed what he had said about the price of rent.

Okay, I was interested. But, realized that this was going to be a huge gamble. Spent several days contemplating this idea and knew that the only way I was going to achieve my dream was to take chances.

Fuck it, here we go:

Unit #1
Holes in the walls, place stank of cat piss, needed new carpet, bathroom sink leaked badly. Needed new refrigerator. spent two weeks patching walls, primering and painting. Visited nearby carpet supplier and purchased the cheapest carpet I could find.

Lessons I learned while renovating:
If you have a plumbing problem and have no idea what your doing. Take pictures on your phone. Go to home depot and talk to someone and show them the pictures. They will get everything you need and walk you through it step by step. Fucking easy. If you do not know how to lay carpet. Look it up on you tube. Again, step by step directions. spent a total of 1,400$ for everything. Including a used refrigerator from graigslist.

I'm sure all you guys are familiar with dollar stores. This is where you will purchase all your cleaning supplies, blinds, curtains and some other items you need like trash bags, paper towels and misc stuff.

Honestly, this was alot easier then I ever imagined. I kept thinking about all the cool places I was going to see on my travels and all the beautiful woman I would be with. Made me work like a beaver. Hehe

I put an ad in the paper about the unit and also online. In four days had about fifteen people calling me. Set my rent price at 830$ month. I pay for trash removal. They pay all other utilities. Also, no dogs.

Look for places that need alot of work. In the center of the city. These are your hidden gems.

So far so good. Money is now coming in. One day while chatting with someone near my apartment I was informed that there was another unit for sale in the same building that wasn't listed yet. Found the owner and viewed the unit. But, this place was worst then the last one. But, cheap. Perfect....

The following day I visited my bank to get a loan. Plus, chat with them about advice on rolling over my 401k.

Followed my blueprint of my first unit and began working on the second one. Unfortunately this place was worse then I originally thought. Needed a new hot water heater, two new windows, carpet and had electrical issues that needed addressed. 4,000$ in repairs. Fuck...

In all I purchased four units. The last two were also in very bad shape. But I learned a valuable lesson. Do not hire a contractor. Luckily I have a relative that does electrical work and just payed him half of what I would have payed a contractor. But, live and learn.

Since I'm not going to be living here I still needed someone to manage my places. So I contacted a friend and asked him if he would be interested in living in one of my units for free. All he has to do is manage my units. He pays his own utilities. My three units I'm renting out bring in about 2,500 a month.

Hope this information is helpful to some of you guys. If you guys have any questions feel free to pm me.

My short term goals:

Travel the world
Party with you fuckers
Try to keep my budget at about 1,500$ month.
Invest as much as possible in bitcoins
Sleep with as many beautiful woman as possible

Long term goals:

Become rich
Find two beautiful woman to be my live in girlfriends
Buy condos in about three locations around the world
Dominican Republic, Panama and Bulgaria
The three of us just bounce around from condo to condo
Or wherever.

See you guys whenever

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