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Best age for gaming?

Best age for gaming?

Quote: (12-26-2011 07:41 AM)Anonybrit Wrote:  

At what age are guys in their prime for this kinda thing?

Depends, men's sexual peak is something like 18-22, rock hard boners and multiple loads dumped all night (at 29, I must say I'm still doing fairly well, considering the partying I've done over the years), peak physical condition. However, 18-22 guys are usually broke, no car, shitty job, no house, may even still be living at home.

Myself, I worked my ass off in my early/mid 20's and now the fruits of my labour are starting to pay off (especially since age 25); nice condo in desirable location (albeit in a city I fucking hate), decent ride (until I sold it last month), I can travel anywhere I want and have a healthy budget (20k for a 4-5 month trip to South America), I'm established in my field and now only work about 6 month per year.

I would have to say 26-32, from my own personal experience, has been my peak, and its only going to get better the farther I delve into "game", my Roosh books arrive in 2 days, stoked!

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