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Where's the Biggest Shithole You've Ever Been?

Where's the Biggest Shithole You've Ever Been?

Vientiane, Laos

Had to come here to do a visa run from Thailand - from the second I crossed the border these motherfucking Laotians were trying to rip me off.

Every fucking day, every fucker would try it - in Laos, you have three currencies; US dollar, Laos money and Thai Baht - so if you pay in Thai Baht, they will try to short change you by giving you Laos money at a terrible exchange rate assuming you don't know what you are doing. In every shop - buying cigarettes, water, beer, food, whatever.

Laos is like 10x poorer than Thailand yet it's 100x more expensive - how the fuck does that work? Tuk-tuks there are a rip off - taxis are a rip off - they even have scammers right outside the Thai embassy to rip you off by pretending they will "fast track" your application process at the Embassy (Thai embassy knows about it but obviously does nothing or even warns it's customers)

Laos is a muddy shithole run by Communist cunts - I was so fucking glad to cross the border back into Thailand that time - Thailand is so First-World compared to all the shitty countries that border it.

Rant over!

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

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