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Vancouver Data Sheet

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-28-2016 11:38 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:13 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:09 AM)komatiite Wrote:  

Scotian let me know how your salmon fishing goes. Howe sound?? I am going to my place sort of near campbell river in a couple weeks and have heard it is a bit of a weak season. Same deal with people I know who have already fished Port Hardy, Port Alberni, Langara and Uculet. Must be El Nino? Hopefully the slab action picks up into July, although I'm running off anecdotes, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

I'll be fishing off of Salt Spring Island somewhere, not quite sure how far yet. I've fished up off of Parksville and Port Hardy, the latter was amazing, hopefully I catch some this time, the charter told me the srings are running pretty good around there these days. Any of you have any intel on Salt Spring Island? I'll be there for 3-4 days with family, I imagine its all rich, retired hippies, just wondering if there's anything cool to see or do there.

I would be interested in your thoughts on Salt Springs even though I have never been there.
I ask only as I sell on Amazon and we send more orders out there then even big cities like Vancouver.

Salt Spring is where older folks from West Van retire.

Its a beautiful spot, but the ages are fairly old. The good thing is that a lot of cute girls go out to stay with their grandparents for the summer and work all the menial jobs at the markets, cafe's, etc that are bustling during the summer.

Also families have inherited their parents places on the island in the past years and are choosing to move to Salt Spring. My friend has a high end men's shop in Duncan and a huge part of his business is suiting up high school boys in the fall who come over on the ferry to Duncan for school shopping. He said its a recent phenomenon.

Lovely little spot. I should grab my buddy and head over there and we can stay with his grandparents.

I have heard zero about the fishing this year. Which could mean its OK. When it sucks, I hear. When its amazing, I hear.

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