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IYI by Nassim Taleb

IYI by Nassim Taleb

Quote: (06-27-2016 08:20 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

They lecturing on equality and whiteness while living in the whitest of white areas. They send their kids to all-white private schools and treat their (illegal) foreign maids and gardeners like servants.

The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is hysterical. It is overpacked with people leaving San Francisco and going home at rush hour. Almost everyone on the overpacked BART is white (or Asian). I bet 90 percent are liberals. After you get out of San Francisco the first 5-6 stops are in Oakland. No one gets off. lol. You look out the windows and see new apartment complexes, but there are black people walking in and out of the apartments, and none of these white (or asian) liberals on the train will live there. The BART eventually goes through a mountain tunnel and gets on the other side of Oakland, and these suburbs are only about 1% black or hispanic, and mostly white (with some asian). Everyone starts getting off at these stops. lol.

You overhear people on the BART grumbling about how expensive housing and rent is, yet it is way cheaper in Oakland and yet they will not live there. They grumble about how long their commute is, but Oakland is closer but they will not live near the blacks.

These same people go in the office and talk about all those stupid hicks in flyover country who are voting for Trump because they are evil and racist and bigoted and xenophobes and don't like diversity.

Take care of those titties for me.

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