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Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

Funny Stand-Alone Comments By RVF Members

This is not a funny comment per se, but I'll repost this video here from the Forum Lounge:

Quote: (06-26-2016 04:24 PM)CH-Toronto Wrote:  

8/10 Troll Job

From the YouTube Description


A GLOBAL RENAISSANCE: RI Spring Crowdfunding Campaign:
Sometimes the best way to prove the insanity of your opponents, is to give them exactly what they want
Here's something you don't see every day...a German politician fighting back against political correctness which has risen to the point of insanity.

In the parliament of Brandenburg recently, the Green Party introduced a bill to adopt a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans-phobia in Brandenburg" as well as "Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg"
The Green Party, which still holds a substantial share of the vote in Germany, is notorious for their advocacy of homosexual marriage and adoption as well as pedophilia and promotion of "trans-gender" agendas. (One Green Party leader, Daniel Cohn-Bendit even openly bragged about raping kindergartners.)

Germany already has strict "hate speech" laws that effectively criminalize any criticism of racial or religious minorities - those laws may soon include criticism of someone's self-proclaimed "gender."

Enter Steffen Königer of Germany's new Alternative for Germany party (German acronym: AfD). AfD is known for being a Euroskeptic party which opposes mass immigration to Germany and political correctness. Königer rose to voice his party's opposition to the measure, which was also supported by the Left Party and the Social Democratic Party.

Not wanting to leave anyone out, Königer opened his speech "Dear Ladies and Gentleman..." and then took the complete list of 60 possible genders which has been adopted by Facebook, and proceeded to name each one in a salutation which lasted over 3 minutes. Even the establishment politicians sitting behind him could not fail to recognize the brilliance of his response.

There may be hope for Germany yet.

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