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Whatsup with Puerto Rico?

Whatsup with Puerto Rico?

Ok, PR is a place that is very near and dear to my heart as I have lots of family that lives there and visit there quite often. When I need a place to decompress and get away from it all, that is the #1 destination for me. There's nothing better than plopping down on the beach with a Medalla and staring out into the waves for hours on end.

I will say this about PR though, if you are going there to game chicks, you will be very disapointed. This doesn't have as much to do with logistics or the girls themselves as much as it does with the guys that live there. They ALL come off as strong good looking alpha males with swag and game and all of that. They can pull all this off with minimal dough and resources. I took some gringo friends of mines there with me not too long ago, guys that do well with the ladies here in the states, and the first thing they said to me was "Damn, all I see is a bunch of huge Alex Rodriguez looking dudes every which way I turn...". So if its competition and a challenge your after, I can't think of a better place to test your skills.

As for the women, they are definitely not impressed with the gringos and the ones that are live on the east coast in the US somewhere. As armanid27 alluded to, yes, these girls have lots of 'tude and if you get on their bad side they won't hesitate to get confrontational. They are very passionate, almost too a fault, as their behavior seems to mimic the telenovelas they watch incessantly. It's not uncommon to be in a relationship with one of these girls for a week and find yourself prefixing every sentence with "ohh Mi amor" this and "ohh Mi amor" that. They are very beautiful though, and if you manage to get through the "outer shell" she will take extremely good care of you. Just be careful though as I have yet to find or hear about a good strategy for ending a relationship with a PR girl in a civil manner.

If you are trying to run traditional game that works here in the states, San Juan is the city for you as this is probably the only place where chicks respond to that and are out in the open enough for you to find them. Isla Verde beach right next to the airport is where all the major resort casinos and tourists usually stay. There should be a good amount of targets here on the weekends or even the weekdays as PR is not a 9-5 kind of place. You might even catch some naked sunbathing going on further away from the resorts. If you are gringo, I would stick to this beach as the rest of the beaches in San Juan are mostly where the locals hang, and you will stick out like a sore thumb and might even get confronted. The only other day game spot that I can recommend where there will be enough women to make it worth your while is Plaza Las Americas. Yes, its a mall just like any other mall in the states but in San Juan it's basically like a town square. One other place that I would recommend if you're feeling adventurous is Plaza del Mercado. Great food and scenenery. When it closes for the night, an all out drum circle dance party is known to break out.

Night game in San Juan is mainly concentrated in Isla Verde/Condado and the clubs and bars in Old San Juan. The El San Juan hotel has a club inside of it that is open on the weekends and I believe on Fridays. It's a high end sort of place that will resemble fancy clubs in Miami or Vegas, but not quite that huge. If you are looking for mulitple places within walking distance then I would head to Old San Juan, but just be extremely cautious and know where you're going ahead of time as this is not a place to get lost in. Take a cab and make sure that you know how you're getting home. One of the places I like is Nuyorican Cafe, good atmosphere, nice ladies there and bad ass salsa dancers. Calle San Sebastian is where a good amount of other clubs are located. There was also another club called Lazer in Old San Juan that I was dragged to one time and when I got there I felt like it was the place where the younger people from San Juan liked to go.

If you plan on going to PR, do some research because clubs and locations change all the time. I'd imagine there are some good options further into the downtown/inner city area that I just didn't know about.

I would say that the best thing about PR to me is the nature of the whole island. They've got everything from phosphorescent bays to huge mountains to secluded beaches and everything in between. If you are going there I would focus more on checking out those things and let the ladies just magically appear while on your journey. Some notable activities are kayaking in Fajardo, a drive through the mountains in the middle of the island stopping along the way at the kiosks to have a drink and a crab empanada, you might even come across a cock fight arena where shit gets real interesting, and driving all the way to the west side. The west side of the island is very laid back with one of my favorite beaches, Crash Boat, located in Aguadilla. Lots of surfing and some expats hanging here. I would make it a point to head here as its much more inviting and you will see other gringos hanging out here.

I could write about this place all day but Ill stop here for now, if you guys have any questions let me know. I'm thinking about heading back sometime in March cause there seems to be some good deals floating around. Its turned into a very popular spring break destination because of the passport thing.

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