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North America trip

North America trip

If you forget about chasing girls for a minute and just consider how epic a trip to a place like California can be, I see no reason not to go, especially if you have family to visit. The OP didn't mention exactly where he's going but it doesn't really matter as basically every state in the US has something really cool worth checking out (obviously some more than others). He mentions hiking and parks, there are so many amazing spots do those activities in the US, its fucking mind blowing! Myself, one particular hike and park area I'd like to check out is coastal Oregan, its not too far from where I live actually. I'd love to camp out for a few days on the Oregon coast and go hiking during the day, I'd probably pick up some of the now legal dispensary weed there and be baked the entire time. I'd check out Portland and Seattle, drinks some nice coffee, smoke some more reefers and check out some love bands.

There's at least 100 other scenarios in the US that I'd love to play out, the last time I was down there, I got really stoned in El Mechanico's shop in Florida and he lit up a bunch of muscle cars and motorcycles he was working on in his shop. The next day I went deep sea fishing with my bro off the Florida coast and smoked some huge reefers, good times.

The OP also mentioned Canada, its another excellent spot for the great out doors and getting high. Along the way, I'm sure a guy with a bit of game, a few beer and a bag of weed could get his bang on with some locals girls in a tent or if you have the skills, in a canoe. It depresses me to think that someone would forgo such a potentially kick ass trip because he's heard bad things about the local women on the interwebs.

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