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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I knew a guy in high school who was pretty alpha. He was short, but aside that he had everything going for him: he was in great shape, always in like 4 different sports and martial arts, and he was charismatic as fuck. He always had a good looking girl, and he didn't bend over backwards for them. He was a pretty good guitarist too, and he was in a band. I admired this guy a lot. Still do, really. You don't see that level of drive in many grown men, so seeing it in a high school kid is pretty impressive.

Dude never got into drugs or anything. I see him once in a while and he looks the same as he's always been. His big failure that I knew of was that he bet on his band getting big rather than a trade or career. And to be fair, guy did get to tour Europe opening for another band. From the outside, it looked like they fell a few steps short of being great. The guy who wanted to produce them kept disappearing or having other things come up for like seven or eight years straight, he'd tell me about big shows they were supposed to play falling through, stuff like that.

From what I know, he's kind of drifting now. Moved back in with his parents, and he's sort of rejected the guys he used to hang out with. I asked a few of them if they've talked to him and they said no. I've messaged him on FB once or twice over the last year, and he's never replied. Who knows.

Honestly it's kind of sad to me. Guy was pretty smart, had a shitload of drive and energy, and he was a good friend from 15-18. We're still both in our 20s, so it's not like he can't go to trade school or learn programming or whatever.

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