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Do you get pissed if someone parks their car in front of your house?

Do you get pissed if someone parks their car in front of your house?

Sometimes neighbor's guests park in front of my place, I don't care at all.
When I used to live in ghetto-ass areas, it was more of a concern, were they druggies, were they scopin out my place to hit it, what are they up to to be parked in front of my place. Had shady ass fucks come by wanting to get in my backyard to 'read your meter', so I'd ask to see their work order (none of course) and tell them to get the fuck out, and if I ever saw them again I'd fucking shoot them. Pretty sure they robbed the people down that street.

Now I live in a nice quiet neighborhood, everyone knows everyone, and everything is chill.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

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