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Her Brother is gay?

Her Brother is gay?

Rudebwoy, my impression of you is that you're a sharp dude who has substantial experience with girls and dealing with people in general. You should trust in yourself that in the unlikely event this ever becomes an issue you will know exactly what to do/say. I don't think there's a reason to doubt your ability to handle this new situation.

If you're interested in the girl then try her on for size, it is likely that nothing will be different than it ever has been with others.

Entertaining the conjecture about gay genes etc isn't doing anything to further find out what this girl is about or if you dig her, it's just adding mostly inconsequential noise to your thoughts.

I don't know where some others get their experience from, but most gays I have known do not give two shits about being an advocate or interjecting their "beliefs", especially in the circumstances you describe. They simply prefer sucking cocks or rubbing muffs together, respectively. Most are not what we see in news stories of crazy SJW's. You co-exist with far more of them than you realize most likely.

What if the brother lived in another city and you didn't meet him or know of this until a year down the line? Would it make a difference to you at that point? If not, what would be the practical difference from that compared in the current scenario?

I would not get too caught up in the academics of this, as I said it is likely that the brother being gay will be of zero consequence for your purposes.

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