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Her Brother is gay?

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

lots of bad advice on this board

[Image: jordan.gif]

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

The issue will come up. Unless she also thinks it's disgusting, he's in for being with someone who he doesn't hold the same values as

She doesn't have to think it's disgusting in order to not agree with it. It's her brother, it's highly unlikely she would express disgust even if she strongly disagrees with it.

My brother has been a drunk and addict, I don't agree with his behavior but you'd never hear me putting him down, especially to outsiders, he's my brother. Defending him or tolerating him doesn't mean I hold the same values as him. It just means I love him as my brother, no more, no less.

Likewise with a chick having a gay brother. He's her brother first, and everything else second. Tolerating him or not speaking ill of his choices is not an indicator of loving the gayness, it just tells you she values her family. Thats a good trait.


Let's be honest, this is a problem, apart from the fact that her family's genes may be slightly fruity or at least, more susceptible to 3-dollar bills

It's not a problem for a guy simply looking at a girl to date/bang. Unless the brother and sister share a room and it's likely his being gay won't even come into play at all.

I feel like some guys get way too far into the culture war thing to point of letting it interfere with just living life and banging chicks. And I am saying this having made a thread on transgenderism being a mental disease.

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