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Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I'm not making excuses for the false rape accusations that usually stem from girls that willingly participate in group sex with multiple men and then later feel remorse.

Still, I dont understand the appeal for multiple guys to "run up" into the same broad. Call me an old-fashioned romantic but I dont even want to kiss a random broad that made out with a guy 10 minutes before "my turn". I was disgusted watching girls during Brazilian carnival swap spit with 12 different guys in an hour. So I can't fathom putting my dick in a chick that had another guy(....0r 29) inside 10 seconds earlier. [Image: huh.gif]

I understand and get the appeal of orgies and swinger know 5 chicks and 4 guys, 3 couples swapping partners, ménage a trois with a guy and 2 girls. But 3+ guys and one girl??? What's the appeal? Vastly increased STD and false rape risk, plus I imagine the chick is gonna dry up too.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

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