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Disappointing your family: How did you deal with taking a different path?

Disappointing your family: How did you deal with taking a different path?

From my relocation thread - bolded part is most useful here:

Quote: (05-22-2015 02:47 PM)262 Wrote:  

Part 5: What to expect from friends & family, & what I'll tell work

My strategy for telling my close friends and family about my plan to move abroad was to warn them about a year in advance. The idea was to give them time to accept the idea, knowing that some might never accept it. Overall, I think this strategy was better than telling them at the last minute, since I'm imagining some of them panicking in that scenario, and possibly acting to prevent me from carrying out my plan. Time will tell to see if they do this still.

Like Roosh, my mom is having the hardest time with my plan. She obviously wants me to stay in the US, likely because she sees herself - and thus me - as a beneficiary of the (increasingly) liberal and (formerly) prosperous US culture, over her former, more conservative and (formerly) less properous Asian culture. Thanks to Roosh, I can expect my mom to also figure I'll just come back in a few months or years, in spite of any evidence to the contrary.

My dad is neutral on my plan. Unlike my mom, he's the one who took the big risk coming to the US, obviously before the days of the Internet and relatively inexpensive plane tickets (so all he basically knew was that it was a rich white country that hopefully wouldn't lynch him if he was careful). His family was neutral to unsupportive of him coming to the US, because in their eyes, things weren't that bad in their country. His foresight about how over-competitive his country was to become from a job perspective ended up benefiting those family members who had been neutral to unsupportive of his move in the past, since he was able to help them come to the US a decade or so later. I think he understands that since he hasn't had my experience in today's world, he can't say whether the move is good or not. But if there's one thing that I learned from his experience, it's that it can pay to be an early-mover if you're convinced of a foresight (in my case, the foresight that the US is going to become over-competitive from a sex perspective).

Oddly enough, my married male friends are supportive of my move, while my single male friends are neutral, at best. It may be that my married male friends want to live vicariously through me, but it may also be their way of warning me away from the trap that caught them. My single male friends say I'm throwing away a great lifestyle, but I figure they're simply ego-invested in the US ("All my dating work for scraps at best? It can't be! They promised!").

What's even odder is that my single female friends (who I rarely hang out with though) are supportive of my move. I guess since we don't want to bang, they can freely admit that women have the upper hand to men when it comes to banging, relative to other countries. They seem to admit this the way that Sheryl Sandberg openly admits to hypergamy (bang alphas when young, extract resources from betas when old). In both cases, it seems they figure that enough males will go along with the program anyway, even in the face of these traditionally unfavorable admissions.

Obviously I haven't told anyone I directly work with, since they don't need to know anyway. I'll just give them the standard two weeks notice and say I'm taking time off to travel the world. That's an easy "lie" to maintain since it's close to the truth. But I'll definitely not reveal any neomasculine truths. I won't have anything to lose, but I can't be bothered with the hassles, and I'll leave the neomasculine conversions where they lie best - when the students seek the teachers.

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