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Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

Why is the Manosphere anti-Vegan?

Quote: (05-24-2016 05:16 AM)tanner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2016 04:58 AM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2016 04:02 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

(05-24-2016, 08:37 AM)tanner Wrote:  [quote]Quote:

Daily water intake may vary from 3 to 30 gallons per day depending on age, body size (weight), stage of production, and the environment (mainly air temperature).

There is a lot of water out there, and it's a renewable resource. It literally falls out of the sky in many places.

"Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed"

What good is the 1% available fresh water if it is transformed into unusable water?

This is what I mean by endless chatting. Not being properly informed.

I know more ridiculous and dishonest counter arguments are coming so I will likely soon be ejecting out of this discussion. My main points are already made which anyone can read.

This condescending and arrogant tone and self righteous attitude is why Vegans do themselves and their religion so much damage - they are like dealing with any other rigid insufferable religious Cult. They are right and correct and you are wrong and living in a state of sin in their eyes. I have dated some true Vegan women with some oral skills and even they were totally insufferable after one to four bangs.

We need to revisit some basic definitions here...

Masculine Men: Enjoy a great surf and turf grilled tenderloin and lobster tail with grilled asparagus, a nice glass of Red wine paired with the steak, perhaps a side salad followed by a small desert and a Cigar and Scotch with a walk along the harbor with a woman you just feed as part of your victory meal to prepare her for the obligatory victory bang after the walk.

Neomasculine men - above men inoculated against the crazy SJW trends and violent anti masculine Marxist Feminist pro LGBTQ philosophies including radical ideas that USA must bear the entire costs of so called Climate Change, CO2 Greenhouse Effect and Cowmageddeon. Further inoculated against the cat like nature of women who will basically feed on their male hosts and providers if given the opportunity.

Vegetarian Men: Men who have accumulated a bit too much belly fat and high BMI and need to eat salads and lean protein for a while with minimal carbs to get back to their lean fighting weight to increase their stamina and their ability to inseminate desirable Alpha feminine females to create future generations of their genetic lines versus deficient undesirable psychotic sociopathic cultists.

Vegan Men: Oxymoronic - vegan masculine men are incompatible concepts. Men worried about the rights of edible animals, Climate Change and Social Justice rights of psychotics like LGBTQs and the new leftist Cause du Jour; Trannie Fannies and where they park them - have a lot more to worry about the type of men who insured their genetic lines across the arc of human history...

Military Men especially Nuclear Submarine Warfare qualified who have no problem vaporizing all of our radicalized enemies off of the planet who want to cram their lunatic political and religious philosophies down our throats. Then we start over with the traditional family and societal structures that got us - the masculine human race - this far in the first place.

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